Heat Press Machines | HPRESSO Series

After thorough Research, Development and creation of a robust supply chain, we have developed all this series of Heat Press Machine called HPRESSOHPRESSO Heat Transfer / Heat Press Machines have developed into 3 distinct versions. HPRESSO-M | HPRESSO-MD | HPRESSO-SA. HPRESSO-M – Manual Open Close | HPRESSO-MD – Manual Open Close with Slide-out Platen (Drawer) for ease of placement. | HPRESSO-SA – Auto Open functionality with Slide-out Platen (Drawer) for tension free open auto open and ease of placement. Currently HPRESSO-M/HPRESSO-MD are readily available in size 4X4, 6X6, 5X5, 16X24 and HPRESSO SA available in 15X15, 16X24. Feel free to go through this online store and explore the products that fit your requirements. We are always happy to serve you!

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